Non NHS Services

About Charging Fees

The NHS provides most health care free of charge. However there are a number of other services for which fees can be charged. These are mainly for services not covered by the NHS, such as medical reports for insurance companies.

Doctors are involved in a whole range of non-medical work, largely on the basis that they occupy a position of trust within the community, and are in the position to verify the accuracy of information. If a GP signs a certificate or completes a report, it is a professional duty that s(he) checks the accuracy of such information. This may involve examining the patient’s entire medical record.

What Certificates Do I Have to Pay For?

There are a number of certificates which GPs are obliged to provide free of charge. These include certain certificates supporting claims by patients for social security benefits.

If a patient is off work for seven days or less the GP does not have to provide a sick note. A patient can be refused a note or charged for a private one for illnesses of seven days or less.

Fees For Medical Reports, Letters, etc

(Updated July 2018, reviewed under GDPR and DPA legislation. Subject to change without notice by the Practice. Fees listed for reference only. The presence of a fee does not guarantee the availability of the service. All fees payable in advance.)

Access to records
under Data Protection Act

Who pays


Computerised records Patient
* = subject to non excessive requesting – if request is deemed excessive then an administration charge can be levied
Manual records or combination of manual/computer records Patient/Solicitor
* = subject to non excessive requesting – if request is deemed excessive then an administration charge can be levied
Administration Charge for sending by recorded delivery Patient/Solicitor £8.00

Adoption and Fostering

Who pays


(Adoption fees normally paid by parent; fostering by NHS, but sometimes paid by the adoption/fostering agency).
Form IHA Initial Health Assessment   £58.12
Forms M, B Obstetric Neonatal reports   £44.95
Forms C, D, YP or AME Full examination of child   £97.91
Form AH Health assessment, Prospective carer   £73.86
Form AH2 Update report, parent/carer   £24.36
Childminder (Ofsted health declaration booklet) Patient/Employer £56.25
Examination of children in /for care-first exam.
Subsequent exam

Freedom from infection for children for care   £24.36

Attendance allowance/disability living allowance

Who pays


GP factual report DWP £33.50
DS1500 DWP £17.70

Blue Badge & Freedom Pass schemes

Who pays


Report only Local authority £25.15
Examination and report Local authority £39.22
Letter of Appeal against adverse decision Patient £15.00

Certificates and forms

Who pays


Lasting Power of Attorney – Property and Financial Affairs Patient £40.00
Lasting Power of Attorney – Health and Welfare Patient £40.00
Application For Naturalisation as a British Citizen – form AN from the UK Border Agency Patient – bring photograph £20.00
Criminal injuries compensation report on pro forma Criminal Injuries Authority £38.00
Freedom from infection certificate Patient £15.00
Letter re fitness to exercise, travel etc. Patient £15.00
Passport application (including counter-signing photograph) Due to change in regulations from Passport and Identity Service, the practice can no longer countersign passport applications.
Date 27.10.2012
No longer done.
Private Sick Note (any sick note within 7 days is private) Patient £10.00
Provident Association claim form (e.g. BUPA/PPP) Patient £25.00
School fees insurance claim form Patient £25.00
Fitness to attend state school Local authority £25.15
Fitness for sport, school, university, etc. Patient £15.00
Health Certificate to attend university, college, teacher and nurses training Patient/Employer £70.00
Dentists, completion of Application for first registration of a dentist (GDC) Patient £70.00
PADI Fitness for Diving Medical Statement Patient £45.00


Who pays


Full physical medical examination and report, eg HGV, PSV, some minicab applications (GP will confirm fee on sight of application form) Patient £110.00
Limited physical examination (eg BP check & Vision check) with report e.g. London Taxi & Private Hire Medical Declaration (GP will confirm fee on sight of application form) Patient £75.00
Report no examination (20 to 30 mins) Patient £60.00
Extract from records (15 mins) Patient £56.00
Report to DVLA with examination DVLA £40.00
Report to DVLA No examination DVLA £23.00
Seat belt exemption Patient £70.00
Elderly driver certificates Patient £70.00
Driving licence photograph Patient £25.00
PCV/LGV driver Patient/Employer £90.50
Local Authority PCV/LGV driver Local authority £90.50

Employment – Private

Who pays


Full medical with report or certificate (private/insurance – 45mins) Patient/Employer/Insurance £169.50
Report without examination (private/insurance -30mins) Patient/Employer/Insurance £109.50
Report on Pro-forma (20mins) Patient/Employer/Insurance £73.50
Extract from records (no examination with opinion -15 min) Employer
* Free as part of subject access request with patient consent. Reports with opinion are chargeable.
Certificate of Incapacity – this can include at the GP’s discretion – a To Whom It May Concern letter with brief details of a patient’s medical condition Patient £25.00

– Local Authority/Police/NHS

Who pays


Shotgun or Firearms Medical Report Patient £25.00
Police/Local Authority medical exam, certificate, opinion Local Authority £109.50
Local Authority/Police: report without examination (30 mins) Local Authority £74.50
Extract from records (no examination with opinion -15 min) Local Authority
* Free as part of subject access request with patient consent. Reports with opinion are chargeable.
LA/Police Medical for higher grade appointment Local Authority £109.50
NHS Employee Prospective Local NHS Body £39.22
Fireman’s Medical Examination Fire Master £109.50
Fireman’s Medical Examination for Continuation of part time FM Fire Master £109.50

Extract from records

Who pays


Private (15 mins) Employer £55.00
Government /Local authority   £33.00

Fitness for sport, school, university, etc.

Who pays


Examination and report Patient/Insurance company £132.00
Extract from records 15mins Patient/Insurance company £55.00
Short Certificate of Incapacity Patient/Insurance company £15.00

Local Authority

Who pays


Work in Surgery 2 ½ to 31/2 hours Local Authority £402.50
Work in Surgery Short session 1 hour Local Authority £134.00
Work out of Surgery 2 ½ to 31/2 hours Local Authority £201.50
Work out of Surgery short session 1 hour Local Authority £67.50
Lecture to the public Local Authority £58.56
Emergency Visits 9AM to 8PM Local Authority £25.68
Emergency Visits 8PM to 9AM Local Authority £52.06
Council tax Certificate of severe impairment   Free

Insurance (Sickness)

Who pays


Examination and report Insurance Company/Patient £169.10
Extract from records (15 mins) Insurance Company/Patient £56.00
Certificate of Incapacity Insurance Company/Patient £15.00
Insurance Claim form completion Patient £26.00

Insurance (Accident)

Who pays


Examination and report Insurance Company/Patient £148.00
Report without examination. Medical opinion to be included at GP’s discretion. Insurance Company/Patient £98.50
Report on pro forma (20 mins) Insurance Company/Patient £66.00
Extract from records Insurance Company/Patient £49.00
Short certificate Insurance Company/Patient £14.50

Life Assurance

Who pays


GP examination own patient Insurance Company £92.50
GP report no examination Insurance Company £84.00
GP supplementary report Insurance Company £21.50
Certificate of Existence Patients £15.00

BUPA, PPP, WPA, Private medical insurance (PMI)

Who pays


Report on prospective subscriber PMI – Extract from records Insurance Company £56.00
Complete/sign GP authorisation form Patient £10.00
Full medical exam and report Insurance Company £169.50

Mental Capacity Certificate

Who pays


With examination Solicitor/Guardian £110.50
No examination Solicitor/Guardian £55.00
Mental Health Psychiatric Examination- non specialist fee Local Authority £53.76

Private Medical Examinations and Reports

Who pays


To Whom It May Concern Letter in Support of Rehousing Patient £20.00
Report for Solicitor – 10 working days Solicitor £97.50
Report for Solicitor – 2 working days (express) Solicitor £124.50
Full examination with report or certificate, e.g. Candidate for the Priesthood Medical Examination Report Patient/Employer/Insurance £141.10
Government Department Government Department £60.00

Report no examination

Private (30 mins) Patient/Employer/Insurance £113.00
Report on Pro-forma (20mins) Patient/Employer/Insurance £70.00

Extract from records

Private (15 mins) Patient/Employer/Insurance £56.00

Travel Abroad

Who pays


Pregnant Woman’s Medical Certificate Attesting Fitness to Fly noting their good health and indicating the baby’s expected date of birth Patient £15.00
Fitness to travel certificate – pre-existing illness Patient £27.00
Prescription for drugs required solely for purpose e.g. Malaria tab Patient £13.50
Vaccination certificate Patient £16.50
Holiday cancellation simple certificate Insurance Company/Patient £15.00
Holiday cancellation insurance claim Insurance Company/Patient £26.00
Simple letter detailing prescription medicines with Surgery stamp Patient £10.00

Treasury Rates


Extract from records   £42.00
Report written (e.g. 45 mins)   £128.00
Medical examination and report/complex
written report and opinion (eg 60 mins)
Sessional fee (e.g. 3 hrs)   £339.50

Treasury rate for Work in surgery

Extract from records   £37.50
Report on pro forma (e.g. 20 mins)   £49.00
Report written (e.g. 30 mins)   £74.50
Medical examination and report in surgery (e.g. 45 mins)   £109.50
Session (e.g. 3 hrs)   £442.50
Treasury rates are applicable to: AXA/PPP Healthcare Occupational Health Services Ltd, Department for Education and Skills (DfES), Department for Work and Pensions (Disability Support Division), Department of Trade and Industry (Coal Liabilities), Highlands and Islands Airport uthority (HIA), NHS Pensions Agency, Northern Ireland Civil Service Occupational Health Service.