Clinics We Offer

Antenatal Clinic
The midwife runs an antenatal clinic at the health centre every Tuesday morning from 09.00-11.00. Appointments can be made through reception (not My Health Online). The community midwife team can be reached on 02920 745030.
If you think you may be pregnant, please email
Please include your name and date of birth, NHS number and how many weeks pregnant. Folic acid should be started prior to pregnancy, ideally, or as soon as you know you are pregnant. For further information regarding antenatal care click here.

Baby Clinic
The health visitor is present from 11.30-13.30 on Tuesday for weighing babies and for advice, particularly on feeding and behaviour.
GP examinations for 8 week and 8 month checks are also scheduled at this time. You will be seen by the health visitor first for your baby to be weighed and measured and will then see the GP. Please bring your red book. This will then be followed by relevant immunisations with the practice nurse.
For further information on the immunisations you can expect, click here.
We advise parents to keep paracetamol (calpol) suspension in the house since some babies will get some discomfort at the injection site and it is useful first aid for the future.
Latest news: When should I worry booklet. This booklet is for parents (and older children) and deals with common infections in children who are normally healthy. Click here to download the booklet

Asthma Clinic
An asthma review is required every year so that your condition may be assessed and your medications reviewed to ensure you are receiving the best possible treatment.
During this review, we will assess your asthma control and measure your peak flow. It is also useful if you could bring your inhalers in so that we can check your inhaler technique – many people cannot use their inhalers correctly and just need some explanation and demonstration to be able to correct this.
Please watch your repeat medication slip – usually a review is required when you cannot collect further medications without seeing a nurse or a doctor. There may also be a note to that effect on your repeat prescription slip.
When your asthma review is due, please book a 20 minute appointment with the nurse. Once the check is performed and, if there are no concerns, your medication will be updated for a further year.

Diabetes Clinic
Diabetic reviews are performed at between 4 and 12 month intervals depending on your control.
When you receive a letter to make an appointment for a diabetic check or notice on your repeat medication reorder slip that you will need to see the nurse or doctor before further medications, please book an appointment with the phlebotomist (a blood form will be waiting at reception) and then a 20 minute appointment with the nurse a week later.
Please bring your first urine sample of the day to the appointment (a bottle can be collected from reception when you come for your blood test) so that we can check for early signs of kidney problems.
At your diabetic review, the nurse will check your blood glucose control over the last 3 months, check your weight and blood pressure and the sensation and circulation in your feet. They will discuss your blood tests; these look at your kidneys and cholesterol. General lifestyle measures can also be discussed in addition to diet. If you smoke, the nurses will be delighted to help you select an appropriate medication to help you quit. If you are monitoring, please bring in your meter.
The nurses will then re-authorise your medications for anything between 4 and 12 months, depending on your diabetic control. New medications may also be discussed at this stage if your control has not been optimal. Please let us know if you haven’t received an appointment for your diabetic eye screening test.

COPD Clinic
We need to see you once a year for a lung function test – spirometry. This is to ensure that your condition is adequately treated and that your condition is not deteriorating. You will normally receive a letter to let you know that your test is due. Please make an appointment with Sister Bridget Hennessy to have this done, telling reception what it is for so that they may give you an appropriate length appointment.
For more information about spirometry click here.
When you are going to have a breathing test, you should follow the advice in the letter or leaflet which comes with your appointment letter. Click here for guidance.

Hypertension Clinic
If you have received a letter asking you to attend for a hypertension review, please make an appointment with the phlebotomist for blood tests, followed by a nurse appointment a week later. You will need to have your blood pressure checked by the nurse every 6 months and blood tests every year.
For further information on blood pressure click here.

Well Woman Clinic
This is run during normal surgery hours. You can book an appointment for a smear with the nurse but please tell reception what it is for so that the appropriate time may be given. Smears are best performed in the middle of your menstrual cycle i.e. about a week after your period has finished.
It is best to wait until 3 months after having a baby or a termination of pregnancy before having a smear because this can cause inaccuracies in the test that result in a higher level of abnormal smears.
Smears are repeated 3 yearly in Wales and earlier if you have abnormal cells on your smear. Screening starts at age 20 and ends on your 65th birthday. It is still important to have a smear as you get older, even if you are no longer sexually active. If you do not want to have a smear, please come in and talk to us. We will try and address your concerns and support you to have your smear but if you are fully informed and still do not wish for screening, you can opt out and you will no longer be called for screening, unless you change your mind.
For further information, click here.
The nurses can discuss breast examination with you or if you feel you have a gynaecological problem and would like to discuss it with the doctor, please feel free to book an appointment. You will probably be asked to return on a different day for an examination, if it is required.

Family Planning
The practice nurses and the doctors provide contraceptive advice by appointment during normal surgery hours. Nurses can provide repeat prescriptions of the pill and also depot injections. There are many contraceptive options available, for further information click here or come in and discuss.