To ensure those with the most needs receive timely and appropriate care we will only be offering same day appointments to those with clinically urgent need. This means that if you call with a less urgent need, you may not be offered a same day appointment. We are increasing the number of pre-bookable sessions each of our clinicians have available to reduce waiting times.
When you call to request an appointment our trained patient navigators may ask you some clarifying questions about your problem. These answers are confidential and enable navigators to offer you the most appropriate appointment for your need. You may be asked to wait for a routine appointment if your clinical need is not urgent for example; non urgent test results, routine medication reviews, letter requests and ongoing health concerns that are not acute.
We are increasing the number of same day (urgent) and pre-bookable face to face appointments with our clinicians. This means that you will have the option of face-to face or telephone appointments. This will increase efficiency and reduce duplication. It will also reduce the frustrations with telephone calls (missed calls).
The nurses/HCA operate by appointment only. Please indicate to the staff what your needs from the nurses are so that they can make an appointment for the correct length of time.